Benefits We Offer

  • Professionalism
  • Problem solving
  • Financial success
  • Risk minimisation
  • Planning for the future
  • Asset protection
  • International experience
  • Proactive
  • Tailor made solutions
  • Long term relationships
  • Personal attention
  • Integrity and trust
  • Friendly & welcoming

Fluker Denton News and Updates

When entering our office, please feel free to use our hand sanitiser available.

We ask that if you are not feeling well, please contact us via phone or email instead.

COVID-19 Small Business Cashflow (Loan) Scheme (SBCS)

The Small Business Cashflow (Loan) Scheme (SBCS) has been introduced to support businesses and organisations struggling because of loss of actual or predicted revenue as a result of COVID-19. They must have 50 or fewer full-time-equivalent employees.

Inland Revenue will administer the payments and repayments of this scheme. Applications will be open from 12 May 2020 to 31 December 2020.

Eligible businesses and organisations are entitled to a one-off loan. The maximum amount loaned is $10,000 plus $1,800 per full-time-equivalent employee.

The annual interest rate will be 3% beginning from the date of the loan being provided. Interest will not be charged if the loan is fully paid back within one year.

For further information, please click on the link below.

If you wish to discuss any of this with us, please give us a call.

SBCS links:

COVID-19 Small Business Cashflow (Loan) Scheme (

COVID-19 Tax Changes to Support Businesses

On 15 April 2020 the Government announced a further set of tax proposals to help businesses manage the impacts of COVID-19. For details of these changes, please click on the link below under 'Tax changes useful links'.

If you wish to discuss any of this with us, please give us a call.

Tax changes links:

COVID-19 Tax Changes to Support Businesses (

Government backs business through COVID-19 (

COVID-19 Resurgence Wage Subsidy

A 2 week COVID-19 Resurgence Wage Subsidy payment is available nationally for employers, including self-employed people, who are financially impacted by the resurgence of COVID-19 and changes to COVID Alert Levels.

Your 2 week payment will run from the date you apply.

The Resurgence Wage Subsidy is for employers who aren’t already getting the Wage SubsidyWage Subsidy Extension or the Leave Support Scheme for their employee.

It’s open to employers throughout New Zealand. Applications opened at 1pm on 21 August 2020, and will close at 11.59pm on 3 September 2020

For more information, please see the link below.

Resurgence Wage Subsidy link:

Government COVID-19 Resurgence Wage Subsidy (

Apprenticeship Boost

Apprenticeship Boost is a payment to help employers keep and take on new apprentices.

It means apprentices can keep earning and training towards their qualifications as the economy recovers from the impacts of COVID-19. The payment is made directly to employers.

You can get Apprenticeship Boost if your apprentices are:

  • actively training through a transitional Industry Training Organisation (ITO) or a provider
  • training for a New Zealand Apprenticeship or Managed Apprenticeship recognised by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
  • in their first 24 months of training (this includes any previous apprenticeship enrolment with the same transitional ITO or provider)

You can get Apprenticeship Boost for a maximum of 20 months from the 5th of August 2020. It's paid in advance monthly.

How much you can get depends on whether your apprentice is in their first or second year of training:

  • employers of first year apprentices can get $1,000 a month
  • employers of second year apprentices can get $500 a month.

For more information, please see the link below.

Apprenticeship Boost link:

Apprenticeship Boost (

Other links:

Business finance support and mortgage holidays (

Mortgage holiday and business finance support schemes  (

Fluker Denton Limited

1st Floor
264 Oxford Street
PO Box 316
Levin 5540

Contact Us
+64 6 367 9900

Click here for our Client Portal

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